The Laurus Trust is thrilled to announce the expansion of its family of schools. This week, the Trust has welcomed Hazel Grove Primary School and opened the doors to the first group of children at Crown Street Primary School, in Manchester City Centre. Hazel Grove...
A Parisian Adventure: Trust students immerse themselves in French culture
Year 11 and Sixth Form students from four Laurus Trust schools spent four days immersed in French culture and visiting famous sites on the annual trip to Paris.
Take a look at our Staff Benefits
Here at the Laurus Trust we offer several employee benefits available to all our staff as a way to attract, retain and contribute towards improving wellbeing.
Laurus Limelights presents ‘A Play in Two Days’
On Wednesday 22nd November 2023, students from across the Laurus Trust performed together in Laurus Limelights’ second production; ‘A Play in Two Days’.
Enhance your career with the Laurus Institute
Find out about Laurus Institute and register your interest so you can find out information about the course you are interested in.
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day For World Mental Health Day, across the trust, we organised different events to be able to raise money and also so we can make sure everyone across the trust knows they are supported and reminded of the importance of mental health. Different...
Founding School of Laurus Trust named as one of 15 lead Language Hubs in England
Cheadle Hulme High School, founding school of the Laurus Trust, has been chosen to become a lead Language Hub in the government’s £15 million languages reboot.
Welcome Priestnall School
The Laurus Trust is delighted to welcome Priestnall School, who have officially joined the family of schools, this week. The Laurus Trust’s vision for its secondary schools is for every student, regardless of background or circumstance, to achieve the grades and...
Laurus Live: an evening of outstanding musical performances
Laurus Live took place at The Royal Northern College of Music on the 4th July 2023, providing Musicians across all Laurus secondary schools with an opportunity to showcase their talent to a live audience. It was an amazing evening of outstanding musical performances...
Wellbeing Week at the Laurus Trust
For our first Trust-wide Wellbeing week. staff from all Laurus Trust schools got involved in a variety of activities, from breakfasts and yoga to line dancing.
Laurus Music Live
The Laurus Trust is delighted to announce the launch of Laurus Live, which will take place at the Royal Northern College of Music on Tuesday July 4th, 2023. This promises to be an evening of outstanding musical performances from the Laurus Trust combined orchestra and...